Today when I dropped my students off at music, the music teacher met me at the door. She said, I have to go make a report. I was a little irritated. I needed to go to the bathroom and make a few copies, but alrighty.
She told my class to go sit in a circle and she would be right back. So in I went, to music class. I asked my students what songs they knew and one shouted out, Grandma Got Ran Over By A Reindeer! Another kid said All Star. I sad, oh, let’s go with that one. I pulled up the Kids Bop version because every song seems to have a curse word in it these days. We were singing along and the music teacher came back. I got up to leave and all my students screamed Noooooo. I’m a terrible singer and I was struggling to remember the words to the All Star song, but my 5 minutes of being the music teacher was kinda fun.
At recess, the boys were talking about alligator weiners. The girls tattled. I told the boys that I might have to tell the principal. One kid was literally about to have a panic attack. I told him to not talk about that stuff at school and he said ok. Alligator weiners. That was a new one.