Saturday, June 8, 2019

Key West part 2

I still haven’t combed my hair.  Hats are important. A girl that I went to high school with is staying here. Mind blown. I kept walking by this giant RV with a huge flat screen tv that could be viewed inside or outside. They were watching the Bruins play the Blues for the Stanley Cup and I wanted to go introduce myself, but didn’t.  Her husband is from Boston, so he loves hockey. They are down here for daughter’s softball tournament. I can’t imagine playing in this heat. I’m finally used to being soaking wet in sweat all day.  Did I mention that the beaches are terrible here?  They smell and the water looks like dirty lake water. Something about the coral reefs and the sea weed.  We did find one decent beach.  We spent a few hours there yesterday.

My brother and his kids are all burnt and blistered. They have mostly stayed inside the camper with the AC on high. We did find a wood fires pizza place that is delicious.  It’s about a block away. We’ve been there twice now. Hayden is the most adventurous pizza eater.  He ordered the island pie. Clams, shrimp, calamari, and lobster.

They have cool bumper stickers too.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Key West

I didn’t bring a comb or brush.  I decided not to care after 2 days.  It’s been really hard getting used to  this heat. It’s been so cold and rainy in Indiana and then boom!  Hot and humid. I haven’t figured out the beaches yet. I want a beach like the soft sands of the Gulf of Mexico, but I don’t think I’m going to find that here.

I have found tons of chickens.  They are everywhere. I went to the grocery store today and they were hanging out at the front door.  They were by the dumpster of the phone repair shop and they are all over the campgrounds.

I went kayaking today with Henry and Scott.  It’s so nice to be out on the water. I put spf 70 on and it worked. I wish I would have put that on my nephew yesterday.  He is fried.

We also went to see Rocketman today. It wasn’t as good as Bohemian Rhapsody, but I loved it.