Sunday, December 29, 2013


For my brother's birthday, we took a bunch of our kids and Titus to the water park in Indy.  They had a great time.  My mom looks so happy in this picture.  I'm so glad that she gets to spend time with us.  She's headed to Tampa today to visit a friend.  She needs some warm weather and sunny days!

Henry, Charlie, and Titus

I'm taking the twins to see the Willy Wonka play at the Buskirk-Chumley today.  I know two kids that are in the play, so that's pretty exciting.  I've already seen it once with my class.  Cardinal Stage Company gave Fairview enough tickets to take the third grade and up.  Our seats were way up in the balcony for the performance.  Two of my little third graders freaked out and started crying.  One of the little girls hit the ground and I thought someone had trampled her.  I found out that she was afraid of heights.  With 2 kids crying and holding on to me for dear life, I relied on other teachers to watch my class and hoped that they would all behave.  I'm hoping today will go a little better.  I got seats in the lower section, just in case.....

Henry and Hayden went to South earlier this year to see Les Miserables with their class.  Henry LOVED it.  Hayden said that it was too long!  I need to take these boys to some more plays.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2013



We spent the evening and afternoon with the Oliver's and the Blades family yesterday.  This is the second year that we have attended their Christmas Eve party.  It was A LOT colder this year.  I told the boys to wear warm clothes and stay out of the creek.  Boys don't like to listen.  Well, mine don't anyway...

Henry was freezing and crying.  He took his boots and wet socks off by the fire and refused to move.  I'm thankful that we never clean the van out.  I found dry, dirty socks and old tennis shoes in there.  Henry melted his pants by the fire and begged us to leave, but Hayden wanted to stay for the fireworks.  I think...  deeeeeep breath, the boys may have learned their lesson.  Do NOT GET WET when it is freezing cold out.  I think I said that like 30 times yesterday.

That's Henry in the Blackhawks blanket, refusing to watch the fireworks.

Gavin, Ryan, Hayden, and Ben

I think they have better fireworks than the city....

Today has been a great day.  My boys let me sleep in.  I actually woke up before Henry.  He was snoring away and it was so cute.  It was fun watching everyone open presents.  The kids were all so happy and smiling for hours.

Merry Christmas!  

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

I can't believe that it's Christmas Eve.  I'm trying to remember what happened this year.  Time is flying at a rate that I can't handle.  I'm sitting here thinking about wrapping some gifts.  I haven't wrapped one yet.  I did buy some presents and I made/asked/told the twins to wrap Harrison's stuff.  I am very excited to give Harrison one gift this year.  I got him a Breaking Bad poster.  I think he's gonna love it.  He got me addicted to the show.  I finished the final season yesterday.  It's almost as good as the Dexter series.

Twins have started playing poker.  They got invited to a poker party a couple of weeks ago and have been playing every day since.  They mostly play on their ipads, but I also bought them a texas hold 'em set.

I'm thinking about my crazy New Year's Resolution for 2014.  I need a good one.