Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Big Birthday

My twins turned 10 today.  Ten.  I can't believe it.  I'm not ready for them to be 10.

My mom was in charge of the cakes and everything else for the party because I've been so sick and out of it lately.  She decided to get their hockey jersey numbers for candles instead of 10's.  Henry could not figure this out.  He told my mom that he was going to turn the 3 and 1 around because it was closer to the number 10!  He laughed like crazy when we told him that it was his jersey number.

Henry told my mom that it was the best cake he had ever eaten.  This made her day.   I'm happy that my mom was here to celebrate with us.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Sitting at Prompt Care waiting for them to call my name.  They are not very prompt here. 
My ear hurts and my throat is killing me. I'm pretty sure that I have strep, which sucks because that means I will be out for at least two days.  I'm actually becoming the master of lesson plan writing.
So, last night when the boys got home from St. Louis, Henry jumped into my arms and started crying his eyes out.  I couldn't understand what was wrong because he was crying so hard.  He finally managed to say, I MISSED YOU!  I left this kid for about a day and a half.  WTH?  I swear I cut the cord when he went to kindergarten!

Oh, they called my name!

Friday, February 17, 2012


I'm declaring this stressful time in my life officially over!  I am expecting complete cooperation from all involved.  The End

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cafeteria Duty

I laughed all through cafeteria duty today.  This doesn't happen very often.  Usually, it's a hot-poker in the eye kind of situation, but today was different.  This little 3rd grader had a funny t-shirt on and as you all know, I love a good t-shirt!  This particular 3rd grader is smart, quiet, and just a sweetheart, so when she took her coat off and I read her t-shirt, I cracked up!  I told her that I liked her t-shirt and then I made her show the principal and THEN, I asked her if I could take a picture of it.  I'm pretty sure that she rolled her eyes at me at this point, but I was being kind of annoying!

I asked her if I could borrow it and wear it to school tomorrow!  I think it would be a great outfit for Valentine's Day, but I don't think she answered me.

Monday, February 6, 2012


I'm bracing myself for the note that will be sitting on my desk when I go into school today.  I'm only taking the morning off, but I know that there will be at least three names in the note.  Guest teachers have no chance in my room.  They are instantly attacked, eaten alive, and left for dead.  I beg my students to behave for the guest teacher.  I bribe them.  Nothing works.  Ever.

Hayden has a very important orthodontist appointment this morning.  He's getting his retainer.  The dentist asked if I wanted him to have one that he can take out (and lose) or a permanent one.  Hmmm.  That took about 2 seconds to decide.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week From Hell

This week has been straight up awful.  I need to take some time off of work, but that typically causes even more stress.  I think I need to get away for the weekend.  Maybe a weekend in Chicago, is in order.  I'm going to pack a bag.  I might just be bustin outta here tomorrow afternoon!