Monday, February 6, 2012


I'm bracing myself for the note that will be sitting on my desk when I go into school today.  I'm only taking the morning off, but I know that there will be at least three names in the note.  Guest teachers have no chance in my room.  They are instantly attacked, eaten alive, and left for dead.  I beg my students to behave for the guest teacher.  I bribe them.  Nothing works.  Ever.

Hayden has a very important orthodontist appointment this morning.  He's getting his retainer.  The dentist asked if I wanted him to have one that he can take out (and lose) or a permanent one.  Hmmm.  That took about 2 seconds to decide.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, The Glorious Retainer. We lived with retainers for years. And we have had to replace the lost ones and had the broken ones repaired. It's all part of the fun.

    When I was with your kiddos, they were very nice. I had to be kind of firm with them, but they seemed appreciative. Thanks for the great lesson plans. Really helped.
