Thursday, April 14, 2011


I have homework due tomorrow for my IU class.  I’m avoiding it like the plague right now.  I’m tired and cranky.  So, I’m just going to blog hop and post some pics.

Harrison does NOT like it when I take his picture.  My mom kept pestering him to smile, so this is what he did…..


  1. Harrison is really getting his point across.

    He looks cute anyway. So ha ha Harrison!

  2. I understand what Harrison is thinking. I, too, do not like having my picture taken.

  3. What class are you taking?

    Harrison does look cute.

  4. We have a similar issue with Shef - but he usually does kind of a gangster pose.

  5. It’s a PLC (professional learning community) class with teachers and administrators from our district. It’s kind of boring. Our school is about 2 years ahead of everyone else, so it’s hard to talk to people that are just getting started.
