Saturday, April 30, 2011

kid pitch

Today was Henry’s first kid-pitch baseball game.  He pitched the first inning.  I was on edge.  He walked a couple of people and I was a nervous wreck.  I kept saying things like, “take your time”  “right to the glove” and “you can do it”  but inside I was dying.  I wanted him to be perfect, because everyone was watching.  WTF???   It was his first kid-pitch game ever!!!  And he had to pitch the first inning.  His age group is made up of 3rd and 4th graders and he is the youngest kid on the team!   perspective…  It’s a word for a reason!

So, after Henry got the 3rd out, (he struck the kid out) he came off the mound, through the dugout and straight to my LAP!  I asked him if he was ok, and he said, “yes."  I said, “wow, that must have made you nervous.”  And he said, "YES it did.”

I was so proud of him and I can’t wait until the next game.


  1. My friend's kid pitched and it made ME a nervous wreck.
    She could barely watch the game.

    Yay for H.M. Henry! And yay for his great mom!

  2. Glad you made it through that! Hopefully the rest of the games will be a lot more fun now that the first one's out of the way.

  3. This is a really cute story, and I am NOT looking forward to the day when the boys no longer want to sit in my lap.

    Congrats to Henry!!

  4. I love that he came back to your lap!
