Wednesday, April 20, 2011

what a day

Today was STRESSFUL!!!!!!  We took all of the 4th graders on a field trip to a lake close to my school.  It rained about 2 or 3 inches last night, so it was wet and muddy and also, only about 40 degrees outside.  Most of the kids did not wear warm coats or boots and some wore no coats at all.

My group was a little difficult to manage.  I was exhausted after about an hour (we were there for 4 hours) and somehow, the 3 volunteers that came to help MY class ended up with the other 2 teachers.  How in the hell did that happen???

I did not take one stupid picture today.  UnFREAKINbelievable


  1. Field trips are always stressful (IMHO) from the planning through the event. I'm sorry your day was challenging.

  2. I also think field trips are insanely stressful. Sorry this one didn't go better!!

  3. This time of year, it is hard for kids to dress properly - kind of makes an outdoor field trip harder than it needs to be, I would guess. Ours are always going to school without the outdoor clothes they need. Granted, we pick their clothes, so it's more our fault than theirs, but still.

  4. I wish you had seen that caterpillar. Awesome pic. Yay for Friday on the horizon
