Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday Softball

My team played this team called the Cereal Killers.  I'll give them a 4 for the creative name, but a 2 for their softball playing abilities.  They had a weird cheer about the blood in the ground, that makes the grass grow, blah, blah, blah, kill, kill, kill.  I was on the mound getting ready to pitch when they started screaming this cheer.  It kinda freaked me out a little.

The funniest part of the day came when I was on the phone with Leeway.  My team was taking the field and I said, "I gotta go pitch!" I hung up the phone quickly and my team flipped out on me.  They thought I said, "I gotta go BITCH!"  

So, when we came off of the field, I called her back to make sure she had heard me correctly.  She got a good laugh out of the whole thing and then I said, "ok, now I have to go HIT!"  She said, "ok, go hit, BITCH!"

and then it was my turn to laugh....

1 comment:

  1. I like to do tough talk sometimes. Just for fun.

    I loved that we could talk on the phone when you were in the middle of a sporting event. That's a v. good sport.
