Friday, April 29, 2011

the leaf

We went to Chimney Rock, NC for Thanksgiving break in 2009.  We hiked a ton and met up with some of my mom’s family while we were there.  I don’t know why, but I’ve been thinking about this picture of Henry and the leaf he found all day today.  

He found this leaf and he carried it around, like it was his pet, for almost 2 hours.  He wanted to take it back to Indiana, but it was falling apart after all the hugs he had given it.


  1. That's really cute. If I found a leaf that big, I would probably keep it and give it hugs too.

  2. I love these photos (the leaf and the Cubs jacket).

  3. What kind of leaf is that?

    #1 son had a large piece of wood that we had to have IN OUR HOME for
    years because he called it his baby lion.

    One time I set it outside and when he saw it, he yelled, "MOM! SHAMED OF YOU!"

  4. That series is adorable. You never can tell what kids will attach to.

  5. I’m not sure what kind of leaf that is. “shamed of you!” that is hilarious.

    Henry is a hugger. I love that about him. His nickname is high-maintenance Henry, but he is a good kid.

    GO CUBS!
