Thursday, April 14, 2011


 So, Hayden was digging around in a box of old clothes last night and he came running into the room with these socks on his feet.  He said, MOM!  look at these socks and he put his little feet up on the table.  He was laughing his head off.


They are Harrison’s old socks.  I think he was 4 years old when they were given to him.  I have a friend that is a huge Cardinals fan.  She wanted to buy him a shirt, but I said, NO WAY.  So, she got him some socks instead.  When he put them on, I told him to go play in the mud.


  1. I completely understand having Cubs socks, but Cardinals...?

  2. Pujols! The guy is the best ever!
    I like the Cubs, the Mets, the Cards, the Reds and the Braves. These are my teams.

  3. Woohoo Cardinals!!!!!! We're only 3 games out of first, lol.

  4. Um, LH. You forgot THE TWINS!!!! What about your second home?!

    Cute feet on that kid.
