Sunday, May 1, 2011


I found a tick crawling in my bed this morning and I have been freaking out about it all day.  I’ve checked the twin’s heads several times and my head has been checked five times now.  I hate ticks.  I found one on the back of my leg when I was 12 and I’ve been freaked out by them ever since.

On a lighter note, Harrison has two meets this week.  I’m hoping that the monsoon type weather that we are having right now, will just go away!  The city meet is this Thursday and I’m really looking forward to it.

And maybe one of these days, Hayden will have another soccer game!



    I have a great poem about bugs, but it doesn't apply to ticks. It's by Karla Kuskin, fave poet:

    I am very fond of bugs.
    I kiss them
    and I give them hugs.

    What if we changed it to this:

    I'm not very fond of ticks.
    I squish them to death
    with sharp pointy sticks.

  2. I like it, but can you write one where he ends up being flushed down the toilet? Because that is what happened to him!
