Sunday, September 4, 2011

T is for Twins

I love having twins.  It was hard at first, but I love watching them go through life together.  They have a few really good friends that they spend time with, but mostly it's just them.  I think it's interesting how they have switched roles over the years.  For instance, Hayden used to be so shy and wouldn't let anyone touch him or look at him and Henry was so friendly.  Now, I think it's the opposite.  Henry is more reserved and has to watch and learn for awhile before he will jump in and start interacting with new people.  Hayden will just walk into a room and everyone is his best friend, almost instantly. 

They also, used to take turns being in charge.  Henry has held that throne for awhile now.  I think Hayden needs to step up his game. 

I have taken lots of pictures of them together.  Here are a few of my faves.


  1. I'm fascinated by twins. And your 2 are especially fascinating and fun. Great pix.

    Hope you're feeling up to snuff.

    And where'd you get this cool background?

  2. I love these boys. the template design. The antibiotics are working
