Friday, February 1, 2013


Friends come and go in your life.  I've been blessed with so many great friends over the years.  Some have been around for years, and some are there for just a short while.   All of them have been important to me, in one way or another.  The past couple of months have been hard in friendship land in more ways than one.  I found out a few nights ago that a very sweet friend of mine has cancer.  Life has been moving in very slow motion ever since I found this out.  I'm taking one step at a time and hoping and praying for miracles.  This now makes two people that I know that have cancer.  Two amazing people.  Two people that I can't imagine living life without.  


  1. I know you're dealing with a lot of pain and sadness right now. I'm sorry Streibie. If I can help, I'm here.
