Friday, July 3, 2020

50 years

About a month before I turned 50, I slept on my neck wrong and then my back seized up.  I went to the walk in clinic when it moved to the top of my head.  I had the worst headache in the back and top of my head.  4 weeks later and the weird headache is still there.  I go to occupational therapy once a week and the chiropractor twice a week now.  So, yeah, 50 feels like 50.  I feel like Humpty Dumpty.  I fell off the wall and they are trying to put me back together again.  I need them to finish the job by August 1.

I spent the day at the winery with some friends for my birthday.  It rained.  It was nice of them to come celebrate in the rain, in a pandemic.  I have some good friends.  

Little Bear was spayed yesterday.  She was all groggy and out of it for hours.  I just love that little dog to pieces.  Wrigley is sweet, but Bear is just awesome.  She hadn't eaten or had anything to drink for hours, so around 11pm I shared a grape with her.  For some reason, I sent a text to a friend saying, hey Bear likes grapes.  Guess what?  Grapes are toxic to dogs.  The internet literally says, your dog is probably going to die, and to rush them to the vet immediately even if they have eaten just one little grape.   I called 2 vets.  They both calmed me down because I was hysterical.  Henry was here with me.  I asked him if he knew anything about this and he said, Mom, I was giving all 3 of the dogs grapes on Monday.  We are puppy sitting right now.  I was like, WHATTTT??  Then I thought the puppy was going to die.  The puppy that belongs to former and future students.  Like future, being in one month student.  Can you imagine?  She would have to sit in the room with the woman who let her puppy die?  I was a wreck.  I called a bunch of people and they all calmed me down.  It was a job, let me tell you.  All the dogs are fine.  They are all still alive.  I will never buy grapes again, ever.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes. I had no idea. No grapes for dogs. I'm going to pass this on to #1 Son.

    Happy Birthday, Kiddo!
