Saturday, January 14, 2012

Flippin Common Assessments

I sometimes use the word flippin at school, mostly when I get frustrated.  I say things like, "is anyone going to get this flippin assignment done on time?" or "give me that flippin airplane!"  Sometimes I mix it up a little and say, "ok, today we have a spelling test and we also have a flippin-flappin math test!"  Apparently, I've been using this word way too much lately.  It was kind of a crazy, busy week though.  We had common assessments for both ELA and math, 52 meetings, a big artful learning deadline, and I was flippin exhausted from my run last weekend.

I have this super amazing kid in my class that always makes me smile or laugh.  He told me at the end of the day yesterday that his backpack was flippin heavy!  I said, um, well, you really shouldn't say that word.  Then he ran out of the door to catch his bus.  After he left, I graded his common assessment.  The prompt asked the students to write about something fun that they like to do.

Check it out.....


  1. Way to go! Too bad you can't convince them that Flippin' isn't only ok if it a Proper Noun! :-)

  2. This is fantastic! We think they're not listening, but they totally are!
    Way to teach the power of VOICE !!!!

    I think I know who this kid is, but I'm not sure.
