Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Search

I spent several hours last night searching for a little second grader that got lost in the woods around his house.  He was on the twin's hockey team last year and we went trick or treating with him last Halloween.  There were hundreds of people there, mostly Blades hockey families, searching for this kid.  The police brought search dogs and a helicopter to help find him.  We walked up and down ravines for hours and then, the police sirens came on.  This meant that they had found him and we were all supposed to report back to the house.  Even though we were only about ten minutes away when the sirens came on, it seemed like a two hour walk back to that house.

It was 1:45 in the morning and 33 degrees.  He had been in the woods alone for almost 8 hours at that point.  Some of my friends and a teacher that I work with, found him.  He was cold and tired, but ok.  They said, that he wanted to know why everyone was at his house!  It took me forever to calm down when I got home.  I held the twins tightly all night and hugged Harrison several times this morning before I dropped him off at school.

Blades parents and players from every age group came running, in the middle of the night, to help find this little hockey player.  There were parents from every age group out there looking for him.  It's nice to be a part of this Bloomington Blades family.


  1. Nothing worse than a missing kid.
    So happy for the good result. And so happy about the Blades being such
    a group of good eggs.

    I listened to a podcast about hockey the other day. The Enforcer position is v. controversial right now. Please don't let your boys be enforcers. They have to hit people in the face with their bare hands!

  2. I'll let them know about the enforcer position. They are not allowed to check until they are 14, so they have time to think about it!
