Monday, April 30, 2012

Calf Strain

I injured my leg yesterday in my softball game.  It was very embarrassing because I had to be helped (carried) off of the field.  I'm sure it had something to do with the 13 miles that I ran on Saturday and I probably should not have agreed to play in 3 games.  I had several offers to be carried to my car, but thanks to Goodwoman, I was able to walk out of the park on crutches.

Henry and I cried our eyes out last night because I can't run the mini with him this Saturday now.  We have been so excited about doing this run together.  I'm sitting at home right now, hating everything.  I couldn't go to work today because I can't walk.  I've been reading about calf strains on-line and it says that I have a moderate strain and it can take up to 6 weeks to heal.  I can't deal with this.  I have to much to do right now.

I finished the Louisville run in 2:46.   I trained a lot more for the Disney run and was in much better shape in January and got 2:43.  The weather was almost exactly the same and the Louisville course was a little tougher due to the hills.  I don't get it.    

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great time on the run.

    Boo! Not good that you're hurt. Not sure running a mini and then playing in 3 softball games was the wisest plan you've ever come up with, but damn it! I love the HEART you have for the sports!

    We missed you around here today. It was a crazy Bilbo Baggins kind of day.

    Will you come back to school soon?
