Sunday, December 26, 2010


So, I was walking into Target today with Henry and he says to me, "when I grow up, I'm buying a minivan."  I said, "really?  Boys usually want hot-rod type cars, like mustangs or something fast....."  He said, "nope, I want a mini-van."  Man that kid is weird.

I gave the twins touch ipods this year.  They love them.  They each bought a movie to put on them.  Henry bought Cars and Hayden bought Finding Nemo.

 I was trying to put Henry's movie onto his itouch, but it kept telling me "not enough space."  I took off a bunch of silly apps that he didn't need and a few short Pixar movies, but it still wasn't enough space.  I finally realized that he had taken 59 pictures with his new itouch, mostly of himself!!   Here are a few of my favorites....

And he made a little movie.....

Christmas was good, but I'm so glad that it's over.  Does that mean that I enjoyed it?  I don't know. 


  1. you tell henry, that he has a good head on him for wanting a minivan and one day his wife will thank him. :)

    and that video is so funny. where did little henry and hayden go? seriously, they look so old!

    also, the comment about naomi's hair cracks me up! it made for a good laugh today, i guess i will have to see if naomi holds a world record. ;)

  2. I agree with Abra. Henry knows what's important in life. And a miniature van is top priority. I miss ours.
