Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yesterday was packed with back to back activities.  Woke up early to take Henry and Hayden to the ice rink.  We always get donuts after an early morning Saturday practice.  It's called motivation!  Crescent Donut is amazing!

Then, back to the ice to skate with Santa!!!!  Susanne and Kurt brought Mira.  It was the best part of my day.

I watched Eli and Isaiah play hockey.  They played a team from Ohio.   Jill and I decided that we should never go to Ohio together.  It would "not be positive!"

After all that, I headed to Edinburgh to shop with Lora.  We shopped for hours.  Now, my children have something to open this Saturday.  They have been pretty good this year, so I did the right thing.  I spent a lot of money though.  Hope they like their presents.


  1. HELLO!!!! Why didn't you tell me you were bloggin'????

    Well done, Streibie!!!!

  2. I did! You asked me to send you the link, but I forgot....
