Sunday, August 7, 2011

D is for driving

I've been letting Harrison drive a little lately.  He's only 14, so he drives at night or out on the country roads. It makes him happy.  He smiles a lot while he's driving and he's pretty good at it.  Hayden says he's going to be a good driver when he grows up.


  1. I've decided that the teen driving can be stressful for me, but it's also kind of nice. They go hither thither and yon, all on their own. I think that's pleasant.

  2. I want a schedule of when he is going to practice driving.

  3. Harrison looks like he's really listening to advice his parents have given him about driving. Way to go Harrison. Next time I see you, I'm going to give you 10 dollars because you are impressing me with how you are heeding parental advice. Let's not forget about this.

  4. Cute! I think Harrison looks great behind the wheel.
