Wednesday, August 24, 2011

M is maids

I went to see The Help tonight with my friend Martha.  I loved maid Minny in the movie.  Minny has quite a mouth on her.  She gets fired a lot for being outspoken.  I can't imagine for one minute being a maid in the south in the 60's.  I would not have lasted one minute because I can never keep my mouth shut when I'm mad.

I read the book during summer break and loved it.  The book was better than the movie, but that's how it always is.


  1. True Story, I'm still pissed off about Eat, Pray, Love and almost every Harry Potter movie. I'm super sad I missed hanging out with you gals tonight, but glad you had fun!

  2. Saw it as well. I loved that main actress... Viola Davis.
