Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I'm losing it

Henry lost 4 things while we were in Florida.  He lost his towel, his goggles, his hoodie, and the boomerang.  All of these things were BRAND NEW, except the hoodie.  I refused to buy him replacement items, so he spent half of the vacation without a towel.    I was so ticked at that boy. 


We did a little writing at school today.  I challenged my group to tell a story without using the word then.  I'm so sick of reading stories that say and then, and then and then.  BORING.....   I gave them a list of cool sentence starters and other words to use in place of the word then.  One kid totally surprised me!  He wrote a fantastic story about falling asleep in class.  (which he has never done)

One little guy in my group is what most people would call a tough cookie.  He doesn't say much.  Trust me, I've tried everything to get him talking.  I have to keep a close eye on him because he's a runner.  I noticed that he was writing today during writing time.  This kinda surprised me because he's usually off task 99.9% of the time that he is with me.  So, I walked over and said, hey!!  whatcha writing about??  He wrote me 2 notes.  

Here's the first note.

And here's the second note....

Hey, did I mention that he was writing during writing time?  


  1. I am laughing hysterically about these notes. Starts right now! Do I know this kid?

  2. Yes, I know him well. This writing is a big step up for him. Hoorah. Interesting to know what's going on in that head of his at last!
