Monday, June 2, 2014


I had a little scare last night.  My dad's blood sugar dropped big time.  I think the paramedic said it was 27.  I haven't spent much time with my dad recently, in fact, I've been avoiding him.  It's complicated.  As I was racing out to his house, I was cursing myself for not calling him back and not going out to see him and when I pulled into the driveway and saw the ambulance, I burst into tears.  I ran into his trailer and found him sitting up with an IV in his arm.  My step-sister was feeding him crackers and peanut butter and he was complaining about needing something to drink.  The paramedic told me that he needed to go to the hospital and of course, my dad thought that was a terrible idea.  We all finally talked him into going.

My brother showed up and we all sat and talked to him for about an hour at Bloomington Hospital.  The conversation was highly inappropriate and at one point, my brother started to filter his language.  Weird.  They took my dad to the Veteran's hospital in Indy for 3 days last night.  Nurse David was riding up there with him to monitor whatever was being pumped into his arm.  I told David good luck.  I really care about that old man.  I guess I need to tell him more often.

1 comment:

  1. Your post is a good reminder for all of us.Hope your Dad feels much better very soon.
