Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chicago White Sox

I've been to a ton of White Sox games.  Harrison's first ever MLB game was at Comiskey.  Of course, it's not called Comiskey anymore.  When they built the new stadium, they found bullet holes in some of the seats in the upper deck section.  Apparently, some people were shooting at them from the high rise buildings that were across 90/94.  The last time I drove up to Chicago, I noticed that those high rises have been torn down.  I love when the Cubs play the Sox and one of these days, I'm going to get a ticket and go to a game.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Los Angeles Dodgers

Magic Johnson just bought the Dodgers.  Weird.

Jackie Robinson is my all time favorite Dodger.  What an amazing person.  Of all the people that have ever played the game, he is the man that I wish I could have seen play.

This is my favorite Jackie Robinson clip.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

New York Mets

I know very little about the Mets.  I do remember when Madonna was dating Mike Piazza.  I was reading about the Mets on line and I found out that they did not win much their first year.  In fact, they had the worst regular season record in the books, with only 40 wins and 120 losses.

This stat reminded me of Tom Crean and the Hoosiers.  Did you know that Crean and his Hoosiers only won 28 total games his first 3 years at IU?  Yep, 6 his first year, 10 the second year and 12 last year.  Guess how games they won this year?  27  Next year, our Hoosiers will be unstoppable.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

New York Yankees

Almost everyone I know hates the Yankees, but I do know a few people that like them.  When Harrison was 8 years old, they were his favorite team.  My mom bought him a bunch of Yankee stuff that year and I kept it all.

Not every team can be the favorite.   For example, I know a lot of people that hate Kentucky.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Atlanta Braves

One of the Braves most famous players is Henry "Hank" Aaron.  Hank was amazing.  He hit 755 home runs in his career and he didn't need any dang steroids to help him out!  

I'm leaving for Atlanta tomorrow right after school.  I can't wait to watch the Hoosiers beat Kentucky again!  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pittsburg Pirates

Did you know that they have Pup night at the park where the Pirates play?  Well, they do!  I couldn't believe it either.   You just have to bring proof that the pup is up to date on all their shots and in they go to enjoy the game.  I bet my dog would love to go to a game, but right now, all she can think about is the IU basketball game that is coming up.

Go IU! 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Philadelphia Phillies

I don't like the Phillies.  I think Philadelphia has the worst fans in baseball, or any sport for that matter.  I've never seen fans boo their own players as much as the Philadelphia crowd.  What gives?

It's too bad because they have had a lot of talent go through Philadelphia.  I think Mike Schmidt was one of the greatest third baseman of all time and I really like Ryan Howard.

I have a ticket to the IU-Kentucky rematch in Atlanta!  IU has the best fans ever!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Oakland Athletics

I watched a movie called Moneyball and it was about the Oakland A's.  I really liked that movie, but I had to keep running to the restroom while it was playing.  Every time I got back, Harrison told me that I missed something funny.  So, I can't wait to rent it.

I remember watching Ricky Henderson play when I was little.  I think he played until he was 50 or something.  He could steal a base like nobody's business.  

I really wish that I would have organized these teams like Pronto Pup did or at least in alphabetical order or something.  It's getting more difficult to remember which teams I've covered.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Seattle Mariners

IU is playing New Mexico State in the NCAA tournament.  They are playing in Portland, Oregon.  I can't really think about anything else right now.   I hope we win tonight.

Seattle is kinda close to Portland.  That's all I got people.  I do love love Ichiro Suzuki though.  He's #51 and he is very fast!  Go HOOSIERS!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Colorado Rockies

The Colorado Rockies played their first game in 1993 against the Mets.  I don't really know much about the Rockies.  Henry played for the Rockies team last year in the local baseball league.  For my birthday last year, we went to a Cubs vs. Rockies game at Wrigley.  Henry really wanted to wear his Rockies hat to the game.   I flipped out, a little.   I won.  We left that stupid hat at home.  When he gets older, he can cheer against the Cubs, but NOT when he is 9 and NOT on my birthday!

I am also reading The Hunger Games.  I really like this book.  It's a story based in North America after it has been destroyed.  The new nation is called Panem and the Capitol is built in the Rockies.

So that is the real reason, I chose to blog about the Rockies.  Although, Goodwoman beat me to it!  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Texas Rangers

I went to a Rangers game once.  My brother lived in Arlington for awhile.  I didn't really like the stadium and the escalator scared me a little. It went straight up and you couldn't really see where it ended. I think some guy died trying to catch a foul ball in that stadium last summer.  That would be a terrible way to die.

The Rangers have managed to make it to the Word Series two years in a row.  The lost to the Giants in 2010 and the Cardinals last year.  This made me happy.  I did not want them to win.

The boys swam in the *ocean all day today.  Usually the water is cold during spring break, but we didn't have much of a winter this year; so the water is nice.  We ate at Dick's Last Resort tonight.  They all made hats.  Hayden pulled his down over his face.  Cute kid.  One of my three favorites.

*The Gulf of Mexico is the ocean that the boys swam in today.  Texas borders the Gulf of Mexico.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tampa Bay Rays

Here we have another Florida team that has changed their name.  I liked them better when they were the devil rays, but who asked me?   Now, they are supposed to be a "ray of light."  Watev....
So, do you wanna know how I got my twins to go to Florida with me?  Well, I grabbed their little friend that promised them sleepovers and spring break fun all week and threw him in my car.  So, I'm here in Florida, with three 10 year olds. winner!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Florida, um, Miami Marlins?

When did they change the name to Miami Marlins?  There are so many name changes, manager changes, player changes, and stadium name changes in baseball nowadays.  It's hard to keep up and I don't like that part of the sport.

I am supposed to be sitting on a beach right now in Florida, but I can not get any one of my three boys to go with me.  Harrison doesn't like Florida and Hayden wasn't interested.  Henry said, ok, but he really wanted Hayden to go, too.   I need to find something to do.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Arizona Diamondbacks

One of my favorite MLB games of all time was when Mark Grace took the mound for the Diamondbacks.  Mark Grace played first base for the Cubs for like 17 years or something and was one of my favorite players.   In this particular game, the D-backs were killing the Dodgers and Grace was begging the manager to take the mound.  He finally gave in and let him.  Grace was pitching about 70 mph, but was throwing strikes.

The funniest part of the whole thing was when Grace decided to copy Mike Fetters weird pitching movements.  Fetters would whip his head around like a maniac right before he pitched the ball and stare down the batter.  Grace did this on the mound and everyone loved it.  I wish Grace would have stayed with the Cubs, but the D-backs won the World Series the year he joined the team, so he did the right thing.  I guess.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cincinnati Reds

The Reds were my favorite team growing up.  They were nicknamed The Big Red Machine and they had a ton of great players.  My favorite was Johnny Bench.  He wore the number 5 and was a catcher.  I caught for my high school team and I always wear the number 5.

Speaking of the number 5, my son, the one that loves to run, broke a 5 minute mile tonight in his track meet.  He was all smiles.  I was so proud of him, but mostly, I was happy to see him smile.  


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Houston Astros

I went to a Houston Astros game about 9 years ago.  My friend is a huge Cardinal's fan and it was her birthday, so we flew to Houston and watched them play the Cardinals.  This was back when they had the Killer Bees: Biggio, Bagwell and Berkman.  We also ran 2 5k's while we were there!

I really loved their old jerseys.  The new jerseys are hideous.  I have to give a shout out to the greatest Astro of all time, Nolan Ryan.  He was amazing.

I couldn't decide which team to blog about tonight until I stepped outside and looked at the stars.  They are beautiful tonight and they reminded me of a team that I have watched play in person and a song that I love.

Monday, March 5, 2012

San Francisco Giants

Did you know that Randy Johnson played his final season for the Giants?  Johnson was one of the greatest pitchers of all time and he had one of the greatest nicknames too, The Big Unit.  Go ahead, google it, true story.

Johnson also played for the Indianapolis Indians back in the day.  I love going to Indian games.  If you enjoy going to Victory Field, you should call me this summer because I will go with you!

Okay back to Johnson.  So, the one thing that I remember most about Johnson is the day he hit the bird.  He was pitching for the Arizona Diamondbacks and playing against the San Francisco Giants.  I was actually watching the game when it happened!  If you haven't seen this video, I must warn you, it's pretty graphic. Johnson threw a 95 mph fastball and the bird flew right in front of the batter.

Johnson pitched a perfect game at the age of 40 against the Atlanta Braves.  (I was watching this game too.)  Do you people know how amazing this is?   At the time, it was only the 17th perfect game ever in the history of baseball and he was 40 years old!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


I played in my first hockey game this weekend and it was fantastic.  It was the kids versus the parents end of season game.  I was thrilled to see a bunch of moms out on the ice.  Aidan's mom was our goalie and she was awesome!!

I wish I would have played hockey when I was little.  I remember skating at the Frank Southern a lot, but hockey was out of the question.   We could barely afford to rent the skates for open skate.  Toward the end of every season, I remember a puddle forming at one end of the Frank.  My brother and I would skate as fast as we could and slide into it.  The guy kept telling us to stay out of that puddle, but every time he turned around, we were back in it.  We were soaking wet and probably freezing, but I remember having so much fun sliding across the ice into the water.