Monday, March 12, 2012

Tampa Bay Rays

Here we have another Florida team that has changed their name.  I liked them better when they were the devil rays, but who asked me?   Now, they are supposed to be a "ray of light."  Watev....
So, do you wanna know how I got my twins to go to Florida with me?  Well, I grabbed their little friend that promised them sleepovers and spring break fun all week and threw him in my car.  So, I'm here in Florida, with three 10 year olds. winner!


  1. Smooth move, corral of the pal. Way to get to Florida! I'm sitting in my backyard, pretending I'm sitting next to a pool in Florida. Not quite cutting it, but still somewhat pleasant.

  2. I like Devil Rays better too!!

  3. Winner, indeed! Have a great trip!!

  4. I've been to Florida once. It was for work and in Orlando. I almost don't think that counts as Florida. It should count as Boringville.
