Saturday, June 15, 2013


I was cleaning out Spike's cage today and I noticed that his plastic, fake rock that he likes to chill on, was broken.  I asked the boys how this happened.  Henry swears that his little cousin broke it.  He told me that he caught Charlie spitting in his cage and squealing, "Spike is eating my SPIT!"  Last year, I caught the cousins feeding Spike skittles, so I believe it.  I'm gonna get him something new for his cage.  They have some pretty cool hammocks for Beardies.  I thought my bearded dragon was spoiled, but this one looks like he has the life.

This is a picture of Harrison holding Hurricane.  He was so little when we brought him home and we were so worried about him eating that first week.  He only lived for 3 years and when he died, it really crushed the boys.  I'm trying to decide whether I should take Spike back to school next year.  The students definitely LOVE it, but it's kind of a pain worrying about him eating and staying warm every weekend.

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