Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Old Ford Falcon

My mom took five of her grandkids to the pool today.  She has the summer off and she plans to spend a lot of time catching up with them.  My Granny used to take me to Mills pool when I was little.  My brother, cousin Jason, and I went on a lot of field trips with her every summer.   I remember her taking us to Mills pool, the library, the skating rink, Holiday World, the beach out at Fairfax and the zoom floom.   She drove us around in her old, tan, Ford Falcon.  That woman would drive off of the road and kill us all, to avoid hitting an animal and we loved every minute of it.  I have a lot of great memories of her.  I wish I could remember more about her.

I'm looking forward to physics day tomorrow at the Wonderlab.  I love the physics game page and I'm totally obsessed with the magic pen game.  I used to play this game all the time and then life happened or something.


  1. What's going on with the random veggies?

  2. We were looking at cross sections of plants. We found the seeds, the roots, and other parts of the plant, from food that we eat.
