Monday, July 22, 2013

Half Marathon

My mom has been begging me to do a run with her.  I just wasn't ready.  I've been slacking off and pretty much sucking at life.  I'm trying to get back to where I was a couple of years ago.  Let me think, oh yeah, I was doing ok until I tore my calf muscle and could barely walk for 3 weeks.  Yesterday, I made the decision to finally be ready.  I signed my mom and I up for the Indianapolis Women's Half Marathon.  I'm pretty excited to be running in a marathon that is only for women.  I've read so many stories about how women were not allowed to run back in the day.  They thought their uterus would fall out or something stupid like that.  You know what's crazy?  The run is in 40 days.  Well, 39 now.  So, um, I need to get to work ASAP and I'm completely out of shape.

Today, I made the boys go on a long bike ride with me.  We probably biked 10 miles together.  I let Hayden make his all important stop at Cresent Donut.  Henry and I refused to go in with him.  When we got back, I took off on my own for awhile.  I rode for another 30 minutes by myself.  It was a great day to ride.

The Insanity Workout infomercial is on right now.  They are pretty much guaranteeing that I will be in shape in 60 days.  I've read a little about it on line and everyone says that it works.  I doubt that I could handle that intense of a workout right now.

I knew this was going to happen.  It's 4 am and I have to get up in three hours for work.  I took a sleeping pill two hours ago and nothing.  I'm wide awake and tomorrow is going to suck now.


  1. I hate not sleeping.

    Kudos to you signing up for the half marathon with your mom, and biking with your kiddos. You're inspiring me!

  2. Thank Lee. I'm going to try hard to be in shape for this run.
